Manual for Conducting a Dodgeball Tournament Fundraiser

Manual for Conducting a Dodgeball Tournament Fundraiser

A dodgeball tournament can be the perfect way to teach students about project management and leadership development -- even global citizenship when used as a fundraiser for a worthy cause. Organizers of You Throw It; I Dodge It; They Keep It!, a dodgeball tournament to raise funds for the people of Ivory Park, Sourth Africa, created a scalable, replicable project model and turned it into a handbook.

This template of success is filled with clear-cut strategies and secrets that other schools can apply to host a successful dodgeball tournament, including:
* Descriptions of planning committees needed
* Itemized to do lists for each committee for planning stages
* Game day responsibilities for committees
* Tips for gaining permissions needed
* Sample documents for publicity, team sign-ups, parent chaperones, and sponsorships
* Sample permission slip and waiver
* Checklist for everything
* Sample task assignment sheet
* And much more!

This how-to manual should provide you with all the basics you need to plan and host a successful dodgeball tournament. (22 pages)

Proceeds from the sale of this book benefit the Keep It! Campaign.

$9.95 plus shipping


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